First Republic Investment Management, Inc. App Lovin Corp Transaction History
First Republic Investment Management, Inc.
- $34.7 Billion
- Q3 2023
A detailed history of First Republic Investment Management, Inc. transactions in App Lovin Corp stock. As of the latest transaction made, First Republic Investment Management, Inc. holds 25,927 shares of APP stock, worth $9.55 Million. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
25,927Holding current value
$9.55 Million% of portfolio
8 transactions
Others Institutions Holding APP
# of Institutions
872Shares Held
180MCall Options Held
10.4MPut Options Held
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA23.3MShares$8.57 Billion0.06% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY13.1MShares$4.81 Billion0.02% of portfolio
Gqg Partners LLC Ft. Lauderdale, FL9.6MShares$3.54 Billion1.97% of portfolio
Wcm Investment Management, LLC Laguna Beach, CA6.93MShares$2.55 Billion6.17% of portfolio
Svb Wealth LLC Boston, MA5.5MShares$2.03 Billion33.63% of portfolio
About AppLovin Corp
- Ticker APP
- Exchange NASDAQ
- Sector Technology
- Industry Software—Application
- Shares Outstandng 291,939,008
- Market Cap $108B
- Description
- AppLovin Corporation engages in building a software-based platform for mobile app developers to enhance the marketing and monetization of their apps in the United States and internationally. The company's software solutions include AppDiscovery, a marketing software solution, which matches advertiser demand with publisher supply through auctions...