Jim Simons Eltek LTD Transaction History
Renaissance Technologies LLC
- $63.4 Billion
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Jim Simons (Renaissance Technologies LLC) transactions in Eltek LTD stock. As of the latest transaction made, Renaissance Technologies LLC holds 87,323 shares of ELTK stock, worth $750,977. This represents 0.0% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
Previous 90,023
Holding current value
Previous $982,000
% of portfolio
Previous 0.0%
24 transactions
Others Institutions Holding ELTK
# of Institutions
14Shares Held
686KCall Options Held
0Put Options Held
Foundry Partners, LLC242KShares$2.08 Million0.14% of portfolio
Yelin Lapidot Holdings Management Ltd. Tel Aviv, L3209KShares$1.8 Million0.4% of portfolio
Northern Trust Corp Chicago, IL36.6KShares$314,8970.0% of portfolio
Ubs Group Ag26.6KShares$228,9830.0% of portfolio
New Edge Advisors, LLC New Orleans, LA25.9KShares$222,8000.0% of portfolio
- Ticker ELTK
- Exchange NASDAQ
- Sector Technology
- Industry Electronic Components
- Shares Outstandng 5,849,680
- Market Cap $50.3M
- Description
- Eltek Ltd. manufactures, markets, and sells printed circuit boards (PCBs) in Israel, Europe, North America, India, the Netherlands, and internationally. The company offers a range of custom designed PCBs, including rigid, double-sided, and multi-layer PCBs, and flexible circuitry boards. It also offers high density interconnect, flex-rigid, and ...