Longitude (Cayman) Ltd. Peloton Interactive, Inc. Transaction History
Longitude (Cayman) Ltd.
- $69.8 Million
- Q4 2024
A detailed history of Longitude (Cayman) Ltd. transactions in Peloton Interactive, Inc. stock. As of the latest transaction made, Longitude (Cayman) Ltd. holds 20,000 shares of PTON stock, worth $174,800. This represents 0.5% of its overall portfolio holdings.
Number of Shares
20,000Holding current value
$174,800% of portfolio
0 transactions
Quarter | Operation | Price Per share | shares change | shares Held | SEC Form |
Others Institutions Holding PTON
# of Institutions
492Shares Held
330MCall Options Held
20.4MPut Options Held
Morgan Stanley New York, NY40.8MShares$357 Million0.01% of portfolio
Vanguard Group Inc Valley Forge, PA35.1MShares$306 Million0.01% of portfolio
Black Rock Inc. New York, NY26.7MShares$233 Million0.0% of portfolio
Gtcr LLC14MShares$122 Million5.11% of portfolio
Quinn Opportunity Partners LLC Charlottesville, VA13.3MShares$116 Million6.62% of portfolio
- Ticker PTON
- Exchange NASDAQ
- Sector Consumer Cyclical
- Industry Leisure
- Shares Outstandng 312,828,000
- Market Cap $2.73B
- Description
- Peloton Interactive, Inc. provides interactive fitness products in North America and internationally. It offers connected fitness products with touchscreen that streams live and on-demand classes under the Peloton Bike, Peloton Bike+, Peloton Tread, and Peloton Tread+ names. The company also provides connected fitness subscriptions for various h...